Friday 19 February 2010

Runner Beach, Rangiroa Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, South Pacific

Sunlight shafting diagonally through his gleaming open door, the captain gradually becomes conscious another day has dawned. Unable to resist the pull, he rose to his feet and on her bed, sticks his head out the door to observe the scene of the early morning. The look beautiful dew is everywhere - running rivulets from the sky, dripping from the palm trees, slid the glass door and the current gray prismatic globs teak sun. Airborne frangipaniFragrance wafts around our spy master and the "Dance Master" with the other night, slipping along the beach - it's funny how certain smells can lead to earlier visions! Eyes blazing and gone, the beach is empty of human life. All that is on the same coconut shells are
round, still, like yesterday. The air still, just produced a sound that morning. The flat sheet of glass water of the lagoon is left undisturbed except for occasional small fish plopbehind their ever-widening circles, like another flop

Hot coffee from the pot inject some 'life in his veins and kick start the day. Our small boat, drawing its nourishment from water and wind, wondering why the crew should sit down at regular intervals, taking vulgar amounts of all types of food? It must be important for them, since they spend an enormous amount of time participating in this pastime. At least if they are not busyPush and push her! At lunch and protection under the canopy, his gaze is re-masters on the strip of sand, exploring the afternoon before - embedded in his brain since he first saw this morning was tormented by now - what a change of timber disordered drawn strewn along the beach. Lost something yesterday? It happened during the night? If he is, is a distorted form in tents gleaming salt from sand? Whatever onerounded lump dark where yesterday. Can not leave this place without investigating - as in the call and move to a peaceful country. Slid almost silently, but our small ship feel his excitement anticipatory.

'Off again on a wild goose chase! "I think - but if that is what he thinks might be? One could look after all these years. Perhaps his luck is today, and will soon. Stooped to lift from its bed in the sandis almost overcome by the possibilities. Hefting in his hand, he estimated the weight of about twelve pounds - wow! At twelve dollars per gram, which is a small fortune! Regardless, can not be marketed in the United States, there are many places where it will be sold on the open market. She cradled in his arms, he dragged himself back into the Avon, with reverence in the ground, and the line again with much more energy to go in. Sure to miss the unstable equilibriumPlatform, it rolled gently into the cockpit.

Announcing the rest of their team, the arrival of this great treasure, which dives into the cabinet with the sewing needle KIT60 and attracts large sail. These needles have a great tip spaded, sharp as to penetrate the skin and a general appearance of intent. A red glow warmed over the stove, burning the tip of his master put his new found object of worship. With some lazy wires radiatingwhite smoke, nothing happens. No pool of dark viscous liquid with a smell of musk? Heat the needle and then paste it to another location - the same result, nothing. Several other attempts to produce no further changes, and the rest of the team right now are super skeptical and many trivial items offered! The master shall give finally and admits that "its" not a piece of amber lumps - Fools Gold! Regardless, it creates an interest for a while '. His attraction to momentary andwith are no longer used, is the blob "sent" Back to anywhere. Lob their sea is the last disappearing at the end of the parabola with a sip blunt lagoon. Sinking slowly, a few small fish follow him on the floor of the lagoon others a cloud of powder pink sand, then ignore them. Did not know what it was!

The strong wind was blowing a bit 'in their sails, and majestic white balloon rides, driving back across the lagoon in a respectable five knots.Sibling teams now train in his home pulpit best in these situations is always that one should avoid direct the pilot with the poor on the left and straight over a head of coral. Most of them harmless and goes well below our keel boats are small. Sailing in the afternoon sun, our small ship faulted to be vigilant so that they do with biting reflections on the surface of the lagoon. There are sites here, which decreases when a foot is damaged. SuchThis is the map with an accurate GPS position and marked steers a broader context around him. Suddenly he becomes aware of a great mountain, died earlier. Alarmed, she shakes before winning brothers forestay attention of the crews. Sweep from side to side, crew brothers Eagle Vision penetrate the curtain of white light, takes the threat of a dark silhouette against the dead and gesticulating wildly with his left arm is too strong in the harbor. Immediately understand the danger poses the occupation of the AngloHelmet and all eyes are fixed on her starboard side, staring wide-eyed and breathless, like the teeth crackling brown slip in millimeters from the hull. The highest point no more than two feet below the surface and could cause serious damage if it could grind their teeth in their side. Clear and Present Danger exceeded its crew was relieved to see us clearly imprinted on their faces. With a nervous smile, which compliment each other once more on preventionDisaster.

"Good seamanship in the round," purrs the captain, with the idea that the slightest mistake would become the helmsman in reading the signals arc spotter "called to put our little ship" heavy "on the coral heads - not in position to wish all of them, the GPS coordinates will be reviewed and found that a little '- is correct, and a log entry made to consult the graphic editor of the error.

Later that evening, the crew had been admitted brothersdistracted and overlooking the harbor and the village Passe Tiputa of approach to coral heads - something has gone back and brought his attention back to his work at the same time saw the imminent danger.

"Of course, clown!" I was shaking my forestay to you. Chip our little ship on Kinship team is not sure, but you feel a nibble on the same part of his brain again.

"Huh, I wonder?" She muses. "Unable to end - do not own boatsPersonality - or is it not? "

Extract from the ebook 'voyage of the Little' Tere Moana 'by Vincent Bossley

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